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Economic interventionism is a self-defeating policy. The individual measures that it applies do not achieve the results sought.Bureaucracyp. 119Interventionism
Every step that leads away from private ownership of the means of production and the use of money is a step away from rational economic activity.Socialismp. 102Interventionism
Every step which leads from capitalism toward planning is necessarily a step nearer to absolutism and dictatorship.Omnipotent Governmentp. 53Interventionism
If all interventionist laws were really to be observed they would soon lead to absurdity.A Critique of Interventionismp. 30Interventionism
If the State takes the power of disposal from the owner piecemeal, by extending its influence over production... then the owner is left at last with nothing except the empty name of ownership, and property has passed into the hands of the State.Socialismp. 45Interventionism
Interventionism cannot be considered as an economic system destined to stay. It is a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps.Planning for Freedomp. 28Interventionism
It is indeed one of the principal drawbacks of every kind of interventionism that it is so difficult to reverse the process.Socialismp. 440Interventionism
On the unhampered market there prevails an irresistible tendency to employ every factor of production for the best possible satisfaction of the most urgent needs of the consumers. If the government interferes with this process, it can only impair satisfaction; it can never improve it.Human Actionpp. 736-37; pp. 743-44Interventionism
Socialism and interventionism. Both have in common the goal of subordinating the individual unconditionally to the state.Omnipotent Governmentp. 44Interventionism
State interference in economic life, which calls itself economic policy, has done nothing but destroy economic life. Prohibitions and regulations have by their general obstructive tendency fostered the growth of the spirit of wastefulness.Socialismp. 424Interventionism
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