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Hitler and his clique conquered Germany by brutal violence, by murder and crime. But the doctrines of Nazism had got hold of the German mind long before then. Persuasion, not violence, had converted the immense majority of the nation to the tenets of militant nationalism. If Hitler had not succeeded in winning the race for dictatorship, somebody else would have won it.Omnipotent Governmentpp. 221-22Nazism
Nazism conquered Germany because it never encountered any adequate intellectual resistance.Omnipotent Governmentp. 222Nazism
Tacitus informs us that the German tribes of his day considered it clumsy and shameful to acquire with sweat what could be won by bloodshed. This is also the first moral principle of the Nazis. They despise individuals and nations eager to profit by serving other people; in their eyes robbery is the noblest way to make a living.Omnipotent Governmentp. 180Nazism
The doctrines of Nazism are vicious, but they do not essentially disagree with the ideologies of socialism and nationalism as approved by other peoples public opinion. What characterized the Nazis was only the consistent application of these ideologies to the special conditions of Germany.Human Actionp. 187; p. 187Nazism
The foreign critics condemn the Nazi system as capitalist. . . . But this is one charge against the Nazis that is unfounded.Omnipotent Governmentp. 225Nazism
The inflation had pauperized the middle classes. The victims joined Hitler. But they did not do so because they had suffered but because they believed that Nazism would relieve them. That a man suffers from bad digestion does not explain why he consults a quack. He consults the quack because he thinks that the man will cure him. If he had other opinions, he would consult a doctor. That there was economic distress in Germany does not account for Nazism's success.Omnipotent Governmentp. 219Nazism
The main point in the propaganda of Nazism between 1919 and 1933 was: World Jewry and Western capitalism have caused your misery; we will fight these foes, thus rendering you more prosperous.Omnipotent Governmentp. 115Nazism
The mass slaughters perpetrated in the Nazi horror camps are too horrible to be adequately described by words. But they were the logical and consistent application of doctrines and policies parading as applied science and approved by some men who in a sector of the natural sciences have displayed acumen and technical skill in laboratory research.Planned Chaosp. 79Nazism
There was no secrecy about the ambitions of the Nazis. The Nazis themselves advertised them in innumerable books and pamphlets, and in every issue of their numerous newspapers and periodicals. Nobody can reproach the Nazis with having concocted their plots clandestinely.Omnipotent Governmentp. 12Nazism
This is socialism in the outward guise of capitalism.Omnipotent Governmentp. 56Nazism
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