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As long as nations cling to protective tariffs, migration barriers, compulsory education, interventionism, and etatism, new conflicts capable of breaking out at any time into open warfare will continually arise to plague mankind.Liberalismpp. 150-51Chauvinism
Chauvinism has not begotten nationalism. Its chief function in the scheme of nationalist policies is to adorn the shows and festivals of nationalism. People overflow with joy and pride when the official speakers hail them as the elite of mankind and praise the immortal deeds of their ancestors and the invincibility of their armed forces. But when the words fade away and the celebration reaches its end, people return home and go to bed. They do not mount the battlehorse.Omnipotent Governmentp. 125Chauvinism
Conceit and overvaluation of ones own nation are quite common. But it would be wrong to assume that hatred and contempt of foreigners are natural and innate qualities. Even soldiers fighting to kill their enemies do not hate the individual foe, if they happen to meet him apart from the battle.Omnipotent Governmentp. 124Chauvinism
Every sort of chauvinism is mistaken.Liberalismp. 144Chauvinism
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